Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of osteoarthritis in India. With an aging population and rising obesity rates, OA presents significant economic, psychological, and social challenges. We enrolled 200 subject of age between 50 to 80 years, out of which 50 male and 50 female will be normal healthy controls and 50 male and 50 female, will be suffering from knee osteoarthritis patients as Case. Control will be taken from normal healthy male and female individual with equal ratio of same age group. For the study cases will be newly diagnosed knee osteoarthritic with age group 50 year to 80 year old.
Our study builds on existing literature by reinforcing the idea that CRTAC1 could serve as a significant biomarker for predicting knee osteoarthritis. Its increased levels in patient populations, open up new avenues for further research into its mechanisms and potential applications in clinical practice.
Overall, our findings emphasize the potential utility of CRTAC1 as a biomarker for predicting OA, particularly in identifying at-risk populations. Future research with larger sample size should further explore the mechanistic underpinnings and the implications of therapeutic interventions aimed at modulating these biomarker levels to ameliorate OA progression and improving patient outcomes in osteoarthritis.
Keywords: Cartilage Acidic Protein 1, CRTAC1, Osteoarthritis.