Abstract: Background: A tooth that is outside of the physiological time of eruption and has a fully developed root that is partially or totally covered by hard and/or soft tissues is known as an impacted tooth. The present study was conducted to assess pattern of mandibular third molar impaction.
Materials & Methods: 90 cases of mandibular third molar impaction of both genders were selected. Details including the impacted tooth's position, angulation, level, and impacted third molar's placement (left or right) were noted. Quek's modification of Winter's categorization was used to evaluate the angulation. The Pell and Gregory classification was used to determine the position and level of the impacted teeth.
Results: Out of 90 patients, 50 were males and 40 were females. Level/ depth of impaction was level A in 36%, level B in 61% and level C in 3%. Ramus relationship was class I in 32%, class II in 54% and class III in 14%. Type of impaction was vertical in 12%, horizontal in 21%, mesio- angular in 45%, disto- angular in 14% and transverse in 8% cases. The difference was significant (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: The most common type of impaction was mesio- angular and horizontal. The maximum cases of impaction were seen among males.